"A small body of determined spirits

fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission

can alter the course of history."

Mohandas Gandhi





As we begin to re-examine our choices as a functioning species on this planet, one glaring perceptual filter stands out regarding how we relate to each other and all life – the proclivity to see life as a competition in which “eat or be eaten” dictates our choices. This is most apparent in how we produce food for our burgeoning population.


We have traditionally seen ourselves as the dominant species, able (divinely commanded,  for some) to use what our economists call “natural resources.” That term in itself identifies a perceptual filter in which life is seen as a commodity to be traded. What is considered by many humans to be a commodity, to other life forms is home – or even more accurately – an interdependent system of relationships that adapt and cooperate towards a constantly evolving state of win-win balance. Missing from our perception of the human species’ role is the awareness that we, ourselves, constitute a keystone species WITH - not separate from - nature.


Thriv’In aspires to see beyond the traditional human-as-dominator viewpoint to embrace a more systems-based approach to food production. Therefore, we are pioneering a science-based interspecies communication program in which we intend to explore co-creative ways of food production – with both plants and animals. We will begin with traditional farm animals and horses. Our thorough re-examination of food production is intended to yield highly efficient methodologies that honor all involved - from farmer, to animal and plant, to consumer. Imagine the joy of eating food that you know was willingly co-created by all involved. Our goal is to not only produce such quality, but to do so efficiently, organically, and in a manner that literally contributes to planetary and personal well-being.


Great strides have taken place in animal communication, especially with dolphins, whales, horses, and elephants. This is simply the next step in our willingness to embrace life’s natural adaptive and collaborative evolutionary process.


Potential Partners

Rupert Sheldrake.  We are not alone in our focus of attention on animal communication research. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake has spent the past 20 years studying evolutionary natural selection. He notes that animals seem to have naturally selected the ability to sense, for example, survival-threatening events before they occur. His papers and books cite example after example in which animals have successfully indicated upcoming disasters - from bombs in WWII, to tsunamis, to earthquakes, to avalanches. Sheldrake asks how it is that animals can predict earthquakes and tsunamis that our own seismologists fail to predict. He even goes so far as to suggest that we develop a low-cost early warning system based on our pets' reactions - something China has been doing since the 1970's, and saving tens of thousands of lives in the process.

Sheldrake has also written extensively on interspecies communication. His 2003 book, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, highlights experiments testing how accurately dogs anticipate the arrival of their owners, even when the arrival is random, using various vehicles, and coming from diverse approaching routes.

Perhaps most exciting are his studies on interspecies communication between Aimee Morgana and her parrot, N'kisi, who she taught to speak using two techniques known as “sentence frames” and “cognitive mapping”. By the time he was 5 years old, N'kisi had a vocabulary of approximately 700 words. He spoke in grammatical sentences, and by January 2002, Aimée had recorded more than 7,000 original sentences. She began noticing that he would comment on her thoughts, and sometimes even her dreams. By the time she recorded 630 telepathic-type incidents, she contacted Sheldrake, who ran a series of experiments testing their telepathic abilities. The results showed N’kisi was influenced by Aimée’s mental activity while she was looking at particular pictures, even though he could not see her, hear her, or receive other “normal” sensory clues.  A short video of Sheldrake lecturing is available here.

CIR and Christian de Quincey.  The Center for Interspecies Research, spearheaded by Christian de Quincey, PhD - author of numerous books on ways of knowing.  His website outlines his research intentions.  We are interested in utilizing his research methodology called POR. 

Penelope Smith.  Penelope Smith's Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication chronicles the stories of professional animal communicators, of which there are many.

Barbara Shor.  Animal communicator and author of Soul of the Wild, we would like to develop specific research programs with Dr. Shor.

Irene PepperbergDr. Pepperberg, author of "The Alex Studies," and her parrot, Alex, significantly expanded the research in interspecies communication.  View a video of Alex here and here.


Why Horses?

Because horses have served humans for thousands of years - agriculturally, militarily, and recreationally - they are perfect for our research purposes. We intend to learn from pioneers in human/horse relationships, including non-violent training methods, natural horse-care, and barefoot horse programs. Our research findings will benefit all aspects of human/horse interaction.



Like Sheldrake, Smith, de Quincey, and many others, we believe it is time to scientifically explore this area of study, free from prejudice. The potential benefits far outweigh the costs.  We hope to network and partner with these and many other interspecies communication specialists in our quest to honor ALL life as we go about feeding our populations.


As with all our programs, these studies will dove-tail with our other projects as we cease viewing life as separate fields of study and begin to see the interdependence of the separate strands of life’s tapestry. As we awaken to our multiple ways of knowing, we awaken to the joy and magnificence of our interconnection.
